Datalab :
software for signal and image processing
The open-source by Codra
HOW datalab works ?
Codra, known for its long-standing expertise in software publishing, has also been active for several years in the open-source community, particularly in the field of data processing and visualization.
What is Datalab ?
DataLab is an open platform for signal and image processing. Its functional scope is intentionally broad. With its many functions, some of them technically advanced, DataLab enables the processing and visualization of all types of scientific data. As a result, scientific, industrial, and innovation stakeholders can have access to an easy-to-use tool that is simple to adapt and offers the reliability of industrial-grade software.

Why open-source software?
Simplicity first
The choice of open-source software is straightforward. This collaborative model makes the technology accessible to all. With no licensing costs, it is open to all stakeholders and across all technical domains. Initially used in a scientific and technical context in which it has proved its worth, DataLab is now used in the industrial field to provide ever more value.
With DataLab, Codra has chosen to contribute to the development of Open Source software and its highly dynamic ecosystem. Perfectly aligned with the company’s values, this approach also allows Codra to demonstrate the often-overlooked extent of its expertise and thus illustrate how, in a very concrete way, it supports meaningful innovation.
What are the applications for Datalab ?
Tasks done with Datalab
The technical challenges faced by users are diverse and constantly push the boundaries of our expertise. A few concrete and specific examples illustrate the nature of the work carried out with DataLab:
- Processing of experimental signals acquired on a scientific facility
- Automatic detection laser spot positions in a scene
- Instrument alignment through image processing
- Automatic pattern detection on images and geometric corrections
Depending on the application, DataLab can be used in three different modes:
- Stand-alone mode:
DataLab is a full-fledged processing application that can be adapted to the client’s needs through the addition of industry-specific plugins.
- Embedded mode:
DataLab is integrated into your application to provide the necessary processing and visualization features.
- Remote-controlled mode:
DataLab communicates with your application (for instance your Panorama SCADA application), allowing it to benefit from its functionality without disrupting the user experience. DataLab can also be controlled from your familiar development environment (e.g., Visual Studio Code, Spyder, …) to perform calculations using your processing functions while leveraging its advanced features.
DataLab to assist You
Codra develops DataLab to support its clients in their data processing efforts, in conjunction with other software needs (e.g. for equipment control). In particular, DataLab can be used when it comes to validating proof of concepts.
With its user-friendly experience and versatile usage modes, DataLab enables efficient development of your data processing and visualization applications while benefiting from an industrial-grade technological platform.
How does Datalab work?
DataLab is a platform for data processing and visualization (signals or images) that includes many functions. Developed in Python, it benefits from the richness of the associated ecosystem in terms of scientific and technical libraries.
The main technical features of DataLab include:
- Support for numerous standard and proprietary data formats
- Opening an arbitrary number of objects (signals or images) for batch processing, with the possibility of defining groups of objects
- Simultaneous viewing of multiple objects with annotation support
- Standard operations and processing on signals and images
- Advanced image processing (restoration, morphology, edge detection, etc.)
- Management of multiple regions of interest (calculations, extractions)
- Macro-command editor
- Remote-controllable API
- Embedded interactive Python console

DataLab highlights Fourkey strengths:
- Extensibility:
The DataLab plugin system makes it easy to code new features (specific processing, specific file formats, custom graphical interfaces). It can also be used as a customizable platform. - Interoperability
DataLab can also be embedded in your Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) tools such as Panorama Suite. For example in advanced SCADA systems, machine level control syst or test bench applications for non-destructive testing or positioning control. - Automation:
A high-level public API allows for full remote control of DataLab to open and process data. - Maintainability and testability:
DataLab is an industrial-grade scientific and technical processing software. The built-in automated tests in DataLab cover 90% of its features, which is significant for software with graphical interfaces and helps mitigate regression risks.
Researchers, engineers, scientists, you will undoubtedly benefit from the capabilities of DataLab. Its open-source software model will also allow you to reinvest your achievements in the open-source community, of which any reputable publisher should be an active member.