STGS uses Panorama to serve the water and environmental management industries

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Background and objectives:

For more than 10 years, STGS, a subsidiary of the STURNO group, has been designing a SCADA platform to help teams on the ground control and manage equipment distributed throughout the west of France.

STGS primarily manages drinking water and sanitation services for more than 240,000 consumers. The equipment interfaced with the communication front-end and SCADA functions are PLCs, RTUs made by a variety of manufacturers such as LACROIX-Sofrel, WIT, Perax and Ijinus; as well as standard industry protocols such as BACnet.

The SCADA application processes more than 50,000 items of data (variables) for remote water management, and also manages operation of district heating through BACnet IP on behalf of ACEV.


User-friendly and feature-rich, Panorama E2 allows the teams of Vincent Goeman to enhance interfaces (HMI) and implement internally required changes, in line with the requirements defined by the system’s operators.

For each additional customer, STGS can easily integrate new equipment into its SCADA platform and extend its application independently.

The CITRIX IT infrastructure supports the Panorama E² application, its numerous “application-specific” protocols and its features: communication front-end, alarm management and the feeding of information to a database for reporting.

Customer benefits and feedback:

Alarm management with an on-call system allows operators to ensure better availability of their customers’ equipment.

Vincent Goeman and his team plan to increase the availability of the application through use of the inbuilt Panorama redundancy mechanism and to increase access to data whilst roaming using Panorama Mobile. Ongoing modernization and data security are important issues for STGS and its customers who are classified as operators of critical national infrastructures. Codra is supporting the digital transformation of the company with Panorama Suite.



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