What tools do I get to operate my installation on a daily basis?

Discover how, with Panorama E2, plant operators can carry out their daily work with confidence while benefiting from the latest technological developments.

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Panorama E2 Supervision

With the advent of IoT (Internet of Things) and the spread of connected systems of all types, the volume of data produced by an installation is constantly increasing. However, human cognitive capacities remain constant. Today, the software manufacturer’s task is to make sure that these two realities are reconciled within intelligent SCADA solutions.

Managing alarms and events

A crucial strength of the Panorama E2 solution is that you have many functions at your disposal for managing alarms and events with the highest precision. Alerting operators, monitoring a “current state“, managing “alarm conditions“, implementing processing functions or keeping a record of these events and their progress in order to be able to post-analyze any malfunctions – these are all part of Panorama E2‘s native capabilities.

Managing on-call objects and a voice interface

This feature allows you to notify one or more operators when events occur on an installation. Selected alarms are enabled in the SCADA application through dedicated subscription and interaction mechanisms. The operator can then be alerted or simply informed of a particular event through a text message, a notification via Panorama Mobile or even from a voice server.

Managing a time schedule

This function allows you to trigger processing from a calendar, in order to control the value of an action based on the current time. In Panorama E2, a schedule program consists of three elements:

  • a weekly program defining the value of an action over the 7 days of a week
  • exceptions
  • a validity period

Find out more about the other features available ->

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