
Codra has a longstanding and in-depth expertise in the nuclear sector, which is the true birthplace of the Panorama Platform. Our solutions cover all aspects of the fuel cycle business, from front end mining and production, through to back end for reprocessing and decommissioning.
With several decades of experience under our belt, working with many of the major players in the nuclear sector, we are highly accustomed to the industry's requirements and take pride in offering solutions that are robust, secure, sustainable and innovative.


Uranium, the fundamental building block for nuclear fuels, is derived from uranium ore deposits which feature varying and generally small concentrations of uranium. Whether from open-pit or underground mines, a large quantity of material must be mined to produce a usable product. Here, mines in operation implement Panorama SCADA solutions mainly to control power and pumping systems.

Other references

INTRA Group , CEA (Bruyères le Chatel, Cadarache, Cesta, Grenoble, Le Ripault, Marcoule, Saclay, Valduc) , ILL (Institut Laué Langevin)


Power Generation

In Nuclear Power Plants, SCADA systems are used to monitor a wide range of critical systems extending from environmental data (fire, radiation protection, etc.) through to the main processes. Our Panorama solutions play a key role in supervisory control functions across France’s fleet of 1300 MW and 900 MW NPPs.
You cans also manage the safety/security of the site with a Unified Control Center solution.

Other references

TechnicAtome , British Energy part of EDF Energy (Hesham, Sizewell) , EDF (SCADA CNPE 900 et 1300 MW, 54 tranches) , EDF (Fire detection CNPE, 58 plants) , Local crisis center EPR Flamanville , Water Treatment station - CNPE EDF Fessenheim



The nuclear industry is perfecting long-term storage solutions to meet a set of challenging social and environmental requirements. This is especially true for the management of long-term waste. Panorama SCADA tools are deployed for the radiological monitoring of sites and also to ensure the traceability of the materials stored in them.

Other references

ANDRA (CSA Centre de Stockage de l’Aube, CSM Centre de Stockage de la Manche) , Orano La Hague , CENTRACO , Decommissionoing Nuclear Power Plant EDF Creys-Malville , Westinghouse Springfields , Orano , CSM (Manche storage center)


Environmental Monitoring

For the nuclear sector, effective environmental monitoring is a top-priority. Permanent monitoring of radioactivity levels present in the air and in the water is paramount. The objective is to be able to raise the alarm whenever necessary, evaluate potential impacts and take appropriate measures at the earliest possible time. Panorama SCADA solutions take care of this type of monitoring on scales ranging from individual buildings to complete sites and even entire countries, as in the case of France and Belgium.

Other references

AFCN (Belgium Nuclear Control Federal Agency) , IRSN , IRE (Institut national des Radioéléments) , EDF (PSPR Chooz, Balises RP Tricastin, Condamnations Administratives CNPE) , CEA (Balises RP, Réacteur ORPHEE, TCR) , AFCN



In each NPP unit, once the fuel previously loaded into the reactor core is used, it enters reprocessing. The same applies to other waste generated in the nuclear sector. The challenge in reprocessing is to avoid any radioactive particles being released into the environment. This heavy chemical process relies on Panorama SCADA solutions for the related management and control applications.

Other references

Orano (La Hague)

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