Codra exhibits at Green Building Council South-Africa convention in Cape Town, from 2nd to 4th this November.
What’s the purpose of this convention?
To promote innovations for a lower carbon footprint of the building industry, exhibitors like Codra aim to shape the city of tomorrow for a smarter and more sustainable future.
In this 2021 edition, Codra reveals its new Panorama extension: the ‘BIM for operation’! The convergence of construction & operation in a unified BMS platform. We believe this is a true revolution for operators. From a fixed structure, the building becomes dynamic, together with its Digital Twin. Managers can thus enhance the value of their building throughout its entire life cycle. One planet. One Chance.
Let’s come and meet us, be part of the change!
Stand 3
Cape Town International Convention Centre (CTICC) 2
6-7 October 2021
Who is Codra?
Codra is the French developer of the Panorama Suite Platform, specialized in industrial information technology: Front-end communication, SCADA and Data Historian & Reporting tools.
With our local partners and distributors, we are providing our customers with innovative SCADA applications & Data Analytics tools to let them leverage their Digital Transformation and Energy Transition in all sectors: Industry, Building Management, Water, Transportation, Energy, Defense, Nuclear,…
Based on our +30 years of experiences, we are convinced our expertise and Digital Platform fits perfectly to the south-African market, wether local industries or state-owned entities. A Panorama based solution can provide you with huge benefits to handle with your day to day business.