Codra exhibits at Municipalia 2024 in Belgium

Panorama, a digital platform to combine economy and energy

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Municipalia 2024

Energy efficiency, cyber security, well-being of citizens: these are the daily challenges facing local councillors in Belgium. Every year, local authorities and the main municipalities in the Walloon region meet at the Municipalia trade fair to discuss the latest innovations for towns and cities.
With its Belgian subsidiary based in Nivelles, Codra is exhibiting at this key event in Wallonia. With the aim of providing relevant answers to these Smart City challenges, our teams will be presenting long-term solutions to make towns and cities ever smarter and therefore more efficient. Find answers to your challenges and issues with the Panorama Suite. 

Meet Codra’s team
April 18 & 19 2024
at WEX – Marche-en-Famenne – Belgium
stand CODRA 5C21 – Hall 5

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A digital platform at the service of Smart City

You are a responsible for the maintenance of municipal buildings, an energy efficiency Manager or responsible for the continuity of service, for example, to provide clean high-quality water for ended users?
Then the Panorama SCADA will be designed for you.
This digital platform allows you to collect and analyse all the data from connected objects and other automated systems. The resulting optimisation possibilities will allow you to control your installations in real time, while at the same time controlling your water and energy consumption.
Whether it is the implementation of a Building Management System or a Remote Management System, the challenges remain similar:

  • Meeting regulatory requirements
  • Increasing the need for energy sobriety
  • Ensuring the safety of people and installations, particularly by considering cyber security issues.

Would you like to find out more about the Panorama platform to address the issues you encounter in your day-to-day work? Contact Codra’s team to discuss your project in person or remotely.

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The energy performance of buildings, a key issue for local politicians

The energy performance of tertiary and industrial buildings, particularly through their transformation into sustainable and ecological buildings, is a major challenge for municipalities and territories. The objective? To reduce their energy bills but also to reduce the environmental footprint of the territories in order to achieve the objectives of energy transition. More intelligent, connected or generating collective services or individual, buildings are moving towards a sustainable and ecological future. Buildings are adaptable, modular, flexible and resolutely multifunctional, and are becoming genuine components of local energy systems.
To reduce energy costs and optimise the maintenance costs of your installations, Panorama supervision software allows you to:

  • monitor consumption of lighting, water and energy (low and high voltage),
  • manage lifts, access control and presence detection,
  • ensure site safety/security via CCTV, fire detection, etc.

Reduce the carbon footprint of your city’s buildings thanks to real-time control with Panorama.

Do you have a BMS/FM project? Remote management? Whatever your sector of activity, Codra Benelux will be able to support you to carry out exciting future projects together in the service of energy management and cost control.

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