Transport & Infrastructure

How to leverage digitization to increase the safety and efficiency of key infrastructures? In developed economies, efficient and resilient transportation infrastructures are a prerequisite for competitiveness. These highly complex systems face many substantial challenges. The absolute safety of people. System reliability. Reduction of energy consumption. The demand to increase fluidity of traffic. Essential to all solutions meeting these challenges is real time.


Comparisons are often made between the infrastructure of an airport and that of a small standalone city. Such is the complexity of an airport as a system, given the number of users being served and the number of companies working together to make it operate. Operations management must be able to count on reliable, robust and secure tools. Panorama Solutions meet these stringent criteria for Supervision / Hypervision of so-called APOC (AirPort Operations Center) systems: FM/BMS for terminals, BEMS, baggage sorting, car park management (HVAC, lighting, occupancy) and Security Hypervision – Unified Control Center – both for runway lighting systems on the ground and for air control capability in the European skies. Significantly, Panorama has already been implemented in SWAL settings.

Other references

NATO Air bases, French Civil Aviation Authority, Safran Helicopter Engines, Liebherr, Air France , Airports : ADP ( Orly & CDG ), Bâle-Mulhouse, Nice, Toulouse , Birmingham, Charleroi, Dublin, Gatwick, Heathrow, Manchester , Dubai, Mohamed V Casablanca, Los Angeles



In the case of a motorway infrastructure, the SCADA solution covers very diverse applications: Asset Management & CTMS (for parking areas, vehicle counting, processing of algorithms to predict slowdowns, management of other kinds of equipment intrinsic to this type of network (variable message signs, telecommunication antennas, etc.).

Other references

Vinci - Cofiroute , CIGT 06 , Trans Val de Marne , SAPRR , Parkings: Belfort, Monaco, Dijon, Montbéliard, SAEMES, Stade de Lille



In any road or rail infrastructure, tunnels and civil engineering structures in general are sensitive and critical focal points in terms of network connectivity and user safety. In the case of tunnels, the confined environment makes them particularly risk-prone. In this type of installation, Panorama SCADA solutions are used to control ventilation, lighting, and signaling systems and more generally to ensure the overall safety of the infrastructure.

Other references

Paris ring roads , Parc des Princes Stadium (Paris) , Jack Lynch Tunnel , London Hatfield Tunnel , Mersey Tunnel



The scale and density of railway networks make them complex to manage. They are also critical infrastructures in a modern economy, given the number of people using them daily. Panorama solutions are used to handle applications as diverse as management / hypervision of train stations (BMS, BEMS, PA, CCTV, etc.), hypervision of maintenance facilities, control and maintenance of signaling systems and control of electrical power supply to all the lines for a countrywide network.

Other references

Wood Lane Control , Barcelone subway , Regie des Transports de Marseille (RTM) , RATP (Metro & RER) , Network Rail (TPCMS), South Korea High Speed Train , Tramways : Bordeaux, Clermond-Ferrand, Dijon, Issy-lès-Moulineaux, Orléans, Paris T1 T2 T3, TER Dakar



Just like in the building sector, Panorama SCADA solutions are put to work to monitor the ship’s infrastructure. Some of the disciplines involved are the same (HVAC, electral networks, etc.), while others are specific to the sector such as management of the propulsion systems and radar systems.

Other references

Naval Group , Technicatome



River infrastructures are a lesser known but very substantial sector for the transportation of goods and also for leisure activities. Our waterways are equipped with a great number of locks and the flow of boat and barge traffic through the network of rivers and canals is constant. Panorama solutions are implemented in the local command and control system for locks and also to offer hypervision for complete regions or networks. When coupled with sensors / control devices aboard river boats and barges, they can deliver optimizations to the speed and safety of passage through locks.

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